Letters in Issue 3, May 26, 2008 of The Jerusalem Report. click here to subscribe.
Letters to the Editor are welcomed, please email to jrep@jreport.co.il
The Luxury of Choice
From reading the various articles
in your anniversary edition ("Israel @ 60," May 12), it is clear that
Israelis and Diaspora Jews now have the luxury of choice. This is a
situation that Jews have rarely faced in their history. Adversity and
hostility from outside forced a Jewish identity on us. Like the Jews of
the Diaspora, Israelis face the choice to be Israeli or to live
elsewhere. This is also true about aliya. People do not go to Israel
just to escape persecution, but choose to live there.
Israel must now be more than a sanctuary. It must be a true home and
haven. Israelis must work to make their country a place where they and
Diaspora Jews would want to live. Zionism must become a lifestyle
choice and not only an ideology. All this will have to be done while
Israel faces a war of attrition with the Iranian-dominated axis of
Hamas, Hizballah and Syria.
Naim Peress
Forest Hills, New York
The Solution Is Education
The article on organ
donations in Israel ("Difficult Donations," April 28) quotes optimistic
voices that the Schneller bill might have a positive impact. The bill,
in fact, is nothing more than the Chief Rabbinate and the Ministry of
Health finally agreeing to work together after 22 years of politics and
personalities kept them apart.
The solution to the organ shortage in
Israel is not legislation but education. Unfortunately this legislation
does not allocate any significant funding to educate the public.
Robby Berman
Founder & Director
Halachic Organ Donor Society
New York
The Salonica Saga
was surprised to read your characterization of how Yad Vashem portrays
the story of Greek Jewry ("A Greek Tragedy," March 31). I am a survivor
of Auschwitz from Salonica, Greece and I have been involved in Yad
Vashem for over 45 years, since the old museum was established. The
truth is that when the museum opened, the story of Greek Jews was not
included. I brought a yellow star and identity card from Salonica, and
I had difficulties getting it displayed.
Today, the situation is
very different. This is reflected in the new Holocaust History Museum
at Yad Vashem, where the story of Greek Jewry during the Holocaust is
presented as part of the full history of destruction of European Jewry.
This is also true regarding other Yad Vashem activities that highlight
the Greek Jewish story. It's unfortunate that your article gives the
impression that the situation at Yad Vashem today is the same as it was
decades ago.
Ya'acov Handeli
Evangelical Allies
Regarding your article ("Allying
with Evangelicals," April 28), as an Evangelical Christian Zionist
myself, I have come to realize that a large part of the problem between
Jews and Christians is ignorance.
There are millions of Evangelical
Christians around the world who love Israel and believe that the Jews
are God's chosen people and always will be. We repent for the actions
of our forefathers against Jews and the land of Israel. The God whom we
serve is not a gentile - He is the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
We gentiles owe a debt to the Jews that we can never repay. Had it not been for the Jews, we would still be blundering on in our
paganism and idolatry.
year, my wife and I visited Israel for the first time during Sukkot.
What a thrill it was to be among the 8,000 Christians from around the
world marching through Jerusalem. My eyes filled with tears as I saw
Jewish men and women waving, also with tears in their eyes, because
they never knew so many Christians loved and supported them.
Tony Gibson
Newbridge, Ireland
Letters in Issue 3, May 26, 2008 of The Jerusalem Report. click here to subscribe.