Rabbi Moshe Felsman [1 minutes 34 seconds] TRANSCRIPTION OF VIDEO This is just, I got to, emotionally is the biggest problem. Just to know. To get anxious to finish with it. I mean, how long we can continue like there’s no end to it? And I don’t see the end of the tunnel. But I’m very strong-minded at that point. And I believe the light of the tunnel will come soon… I hope. I wished someone would call me up and tell me we find a kidney for you, or something like this. You know? I’m very afraid to die; I mean, you’re limited how long you can be on dialysis too. You know, and I understand between 5 to 7 years a person has on dialysis. Most of the cases, I’m talking statistically. People die up to 7 years. Is that pikuach nefesh critical? I should get. And I don’t understand. So many soldiers die and everything. And they cannot find me? So many people getting killed in the world, one, one little? I’m not a big guy I don’t need a big kidney; I need a little one.ou remember meeting with a Rabbi Moshe Feinstein?