Halachic Organ donor Society, 3926 W. Touhy Ave, Suite #365, Lincolnwood, IL, 60712-1028. Phone: 646-599-3895, Email: office@hods.org

Bring a One-Day Seminar to your Community


We have designed a one-day regional seminar on organ donation in halacha. It involves presenters from your local community (Rabbis, Neurologists, Transplant Coordinators) and can be accredited for CME credits. Our first regional seminar was held in Toronto. To bring a one-day regional seminar to your area please contact office@hods.org or
call 1-646-599-3895.

Pictures from Toronto Seminar

Sample Flyer

The suggested schedule is below. Estimated duration of Seminar: 5 hours (not including breaks).

  1. Jews, Halacha, & Organ Donation
    Robby Berman, Founder & Director, Halachic Organ Donor Society
    1 Hour
  2. Overview of Transplant Process and Network
    Regional Representative of Organ Procurement Organization
    1 Hour
  3. Medical Aspects of Brain-Stem Death
    Regional Neurologist
    1 Hour
  4. Brain-Stem Death Video
    25 Minutes
  5. Rabbinic Sources on End of Life
    Regional Rabbi (Yoma 85a, Chatam Sofer, Chacham Tzvi)
    1 Hour
  6. Summary: What Now?
    Robby Berman
    35 Minutes