Before making the decision to become a living kidney donor, one should familiarize oneself with the risk involved so you can make a fully educated and informed decision.
Potential Surgical Complications
• Side effects associated with allergic reactions to the anesthesia
• Pneumonia
• Blood clots
• Hemorrhaging
• The need for blood transfusions
• Infection of the wound or urinary tract
• Graft failure
• Death- Death from kidney donation is very rare (about 3 in 10,000)
• Other unforeseen complications
Potential Long-term Complications of Living with One Kidney
• Increased risk of high blood pressure
• Increased incidence of kidney failure
• Possibility of injuring the remaining kidney
• Risk of developing a disease of the remaining kidney
Read the following 5 articles about the risk of live donation:
The long-term consequences of living-related or unrelated donation
Long-Term (20-37) Years) Follow-up of Living Kidney Donors
Living-Donor Kidney Transplantation A Review of the Current Practices
Laparoscopic Live Donor Nephrectomy