The more you publicize your situation, the better chance you have of getting an organ directed to you, and the more you raise awareness about the need for people to become organ donors. You may add yourself to the list below by clicking here. (Please allow us a few days to approve your entry and make it active on this page.) For those who are thinking of becoming a living kidney donor, please read this article. There are 19 Transplant Centers in Israel. Click here for a complete list.
Although we no longer get involved in matching living kidney donors with recipients, in the past we made a number of matches between strangers, such as matching Eric Swim with ten-year old kidney recipient Moshiko Sharon (click here to see CNN).
If you would like to become an altruistic living kidney donor please read this article.
There are 19 Transplant Centers in Israel. Click here for a complete list.
Waiting for an Organ | |
JOEL Needs a Kidney During my lifetime I have been a camp counselor and a teacher, always interested in helping youngsters. In my adult life I was a volunteer in our temple, helping to raise funds and also an active member of men’s club where I catered the meetings and worked on the bazaar. I now am blessed with 5 grandchildren and I am in desperate need of a kidney transplant so I will be able to live and enjoy them. I have always done good deeds for others and now I need someone to do a good deed for me. I can receive from Type A blood as well as someone who is a universal Type O blood. Please answer my prayers. L’Shana Tova P.S. I live in Lynbrook, NY and my cell phone is |
Miryam Needs a Kidney Miryman Nechama was diagnosed with ESRD in 2009 and is on Peritoneal dialysis at home. She is a loving, beautiful, smart little girl who has shown such strength and courage during this ordeal. May Hashem continue to watch over her and see her through this and deliver to her a healthy viable and everlasting donation!!!! If you would like to donate a Kidney to Miryam (matching Blood Type: B+), please contact the HOD Society at or by calling 646-599-3895. |
Ferenc Needs a Kidney Ferenc “Frank” Jolesz, has dedicated his life to helping people. Despite his health challenges, he balanced the roles of dedicated dad and husband along with his career. He always had time for our gymnastics meets, for trips to Maine and New Hampshire, for watching movies and TV together. In 2007, due to a build up of inoperable kidney stones, he was diagnosed with kidney failure. I was able to donate my kidney to my dad immediately and the transplant was a success. We’ve shared six very special years together since the transplant surgery–years filled with laughter and love. Despite our dad’s determination to follow a strict diet and remain kidney stone free, the donated kidney is being rejected by his body, and he is now in the final stage of kidney failure. Now the man whose contributions to medicine have saved the lives of so many is himself in need of help. He is in URGENT need of a living kidney donor, as he is not a candidate for dialysis due to his intestinal issues and the wait for a deceased donor kidney can take 5-10 years. A direct match for our dad is blood type B or O. If a donor has blood type A or AB, a kidney paired exchange program is an option. Unlike other kidney failure patients, our dad is in the final or fifth stage of kidney failure and we do not know how much longer he has to live. See our website at: If you would like to donate a Kidney to Ferenc (matching Blood Type: B), please contact the HOD Society at or by calling 646-599-3895. |
Girma Needs a Kidney I made Aliyah from Ethiopia in 1984 and I served as an officer in the Israeli army up until 2008 when I got sick. I am relatively young (48) and I do not want to spend the rest of my life tethered to a dialysis machine three times a week. I can’t work at all and I have to support my wife and two daughters. I need a kidney and I have been in dialysis for 4 years. Please help me. I have blood type B +.
If you would like to donate a Kidney to Girma (matching Blood Type: B+), please contact the HOD Society at or by calling 646-599-3895. |
Sima Needs a Kidney My mother is very sick with End Stage Kidney Disease that requires her to be on Dialysis. She currently lives in Israel and the prospect of receiving a Kidney donor there is very slim. In hopes of finding a different solution in time, a website has been created to help raise funds for her to come to the US and be treated at NYC hospital. If you would like to donate a Kidney to Sima, please contact the HOD Society at or by calling 646-599-3895. |
Sandra Needs a Kidney My name is Sandra and I need a kidney. I am currently on dialysis three times a week and it is too difficult for me to work right now. I am only 24 years and it would be my second transplant; I had my first when I was 6 years old and my donor was my dad. I finished college with a B.S. in biology ans hope to be a pharmacist one day. My whole family is working on finding me a kidney but it is very hard because I am highly sensitized, almost 100%. My family includes my parents, Bella and Roma and my brother, Jeff and my boyfriend, Mike. Whoever donates will not only be helping me, but my entire family. Please help us. God bless If you would like to donate a Kidney to Sandra (matching Blood Type: A-), please contact the HOD Society at or by calling 646-599-3895. |
Meir Needs a Kidney My name is Meir. I am married to Smadar and have 3 beautiful children, Noa, Nathaniel, and Yoelle (ages 7-12). I was diagnosed with kidney disease when I was 13 years old. My father donated a kidney, but again I needed a kidney in my late 20’s. My aunt then stepped up to the plate to donate. Both my father and aunt are in good health today with one kidney. About 7 years ago I contracted a virus and my kidney stopped functioning. I cannot work, as I have to undergo dialysis treatment three times a week and travel frequently to Jerusalem for surgery on my veins, as dialysis for the past 6 years has taken its toll on my body. Today, I am in desperate need of a kidney. If you would like to donate a Kidney to Meir (matching Blood Type: A+), please contact the HOD Society at or by calling 646-599-3895 |
Hagit Needs a Kidney My name is Hagit. I am 44 years old and started dialysis at the age of 14. I have a Bs.C in life sciences and Masters degree in Human Genetics and molecular medicine. I worked at the Hematology/ Oncology department at a children’s hospital in Petach Tikva and also volunteered there after working hours. I work in genetics research at the Weizmann Institute of Science.
This year It will be 30 years since I did my first dialysis treatment
This is a very difficult way to live, and I really need a kidney to have a better, longer life. I’ve been on the waiting list in Israel for many years.
I have high antibodies level and the only chance for me to have a successful transplantation is from a living donor. My blood type is A+.
If you would like to donate a Kidney to Hagit (matching Blood Type: A Pos), please contact the HOD Society at or by calling 646-599-3895 |
Eric Needs a Kidney I was born with a kidney disease which prevented me from growing. My father donated his kidney to me when I was 13 but it only worked for 2 years. For the past 10 years I’m on dialysis and I really need a kidney. I work in a non-profit organization for disabled people, and when I’m not on dialysis in the hospital I like to surf the web. If you can help me get a kidney, it would change my life; it would save my life. I have type O Positive Blood. Thank you Eric If you would like to donate a Kidney to Eric (matching Blood Type: O Pos), please contact the HOD Society at or by calling 646-599-3895. |
Eliel Needs a Kidney Eliel, born and raised in New York City, made Aliya to Israel in 1982 with his wife and 2 small children (they now have 3) and settled in the new development of Maale Adumim which is now a city. He served in the Israeli Army for 21 years, and his wife works at Hadassa Hospital. All 3 of his children are married and have children of their own, all living in Israel. Eli has A blood type and needs a kidney transplant.
If you would like to donate a Kidney to Eliel (matching Blood Type: A Neg), please contact the HOD Society at or by calling 646-599-3895. |
Daniel Needs a Kidney My name is Dan Cohen. I was born in the Bronx in 1955. I have Polycystic Kidney Disease, which I inherited from my beloved mother. I have two MBA’s from NYU, founded and managed two advertising businesses over a 25 year period. Unfortunately, the second company ended up going out of business, overcome by the effects of the recession. I decided to amke a career change at that time and went back to school to become a CPA. I passed the four CPA Exams and earned my license this year. It would be so rewarding to be able to have another 20 years to work and help my clients with their accounting issues. To fulfill this dream, I need to receive a kidney transplant. My maternal grandmother passed away from PKD at age 44, in 1936. My mother’s older brother, died from PKD at age 42 when I was a toddler. My mom managed to survive almost 22 years of dialysis. My only sister was fortunate enough to avoid the disease. She told me that she would donate her kidney if and when I reached the point where a transplant would be necessary. Unfortunately she was killed in a car accident in 2007. As PKD is congenital, the doctors do not believe that my kids are viable donor candidates, as they could be at risk. If you are reading this and have type O blood, it would be a major Mitzvah if you considered donating one of your kidneys to me. I give you my solemn oath that I will make you proud of your decision. Thank you for your consideration. If you would like to donate a Kidney to Daniel (matching Blood Type: o-), please contact the HOD Society at or by calling 646-599-3895. |
David Rosen Needs a Kidney My name is David Rosen, I live in Clover, SC, USA with my wife and 4 young children. I am 40 yrs old. I am in desperate need of a kidney. Unfortunately none of my family members were able to donate and I am getting sicker all the time. I am a mortgage broker for Bank of America, served in the US Army, which is where my Kidney failure was first discovered. I was born and raised in Baltimore, MD and graduated from Towson University. I have devoted my life to G-D and am a very religious man. Please if anyone is willing to consider becoming a donor contact me asap. If you would like to donate a Kidney to David Rosen (matching Blood Type: B), please contact the HOD Society at or by calling 646-599-3895. |
Marjorie Needs a Kidney I was married to a wonderful man for 35 years. He passed away 4 years ago. At that same time, I had surgery which resulted in a raised creatinine level. I was told by my doctor that I was in stage four of chronic kidney disease. Like so many others, I went into emotional denial. In 2009, I met a wonderful man, fell in love, and remarried. My husband and I are both disabled, not working, and receiving monthly Social Security benefit checks. I will soon need a kidney. My husband originally volunteered to be a living donor, but he is a type-2 diabetic and not a viable candidate. I have a sister, but she has health problems. I don’t have any children nor does my husband. All I can do is hope and pray that when the time is right there will be some altruistic person who will donate a kidney simply because it is the right thing to do. I pray to G-d almighty that my creatinine levels stay consistent and maybe I will be that one individual who goes into spontaneious remission. I’ll keep my fingers crossed. If you would like to donate a Kidney to Marjorie (matching Blood Type: A+), please contact the HOD Society at or by calling 646-599-3895. |
Zofit Needs a Kidney My name is Zofit and I’m 29 years old. Starting from the age of 11 until today I have suffered from kidney failure. After a long wait I had my first kidney transplant operation which unfortunately wasn’t successful; the kidney didn’t last more than a few days. It has been now almost 9 years since that first and only operation and almost 20 long years of daily dialysis treatments without any prospect of hope or change for present or future. Despite my chronic situation, I have managed with the help of the social security rehab program to learn a profession in book-keeping which is currently what I’m doing on a part-time basis due to my special needs. Shortly after my unsuccessful transplant operation, my father brought a friend to our house, a big hairy husky dog called Chetz (Arrow in Hebrew). This dog had a very therapeutic effect on me. It was definitely a love at first sight and though Chetz has died since then, I find great joy and satisfaction in caring for animals especially dogs and now have a small Chitzsu dog called Sandy. I know that the people around me are always amazed at the way I seem to gobble up life and they are all certain that were I only free of that dialysis machine no one could stop me ….. Currently I enjoy doing all kinds of crafts work, jigsaw puzzle, reading, walking my dog. I truly look forward to a future where I could start a family and move from the stage where I look after my own health to start caring and nurturing my own family cell. As my doctors have explained to me, due to my high level of antibodies the only way to ensure a successful transplant is to receive a kidney from a live donor. If you would like to donate a Kidney to Zofit, please contact the HOD Society at or by calling 646-599-3895. |
FAIZ Needs a Kidney
I was born on July 27.1960. I have been an active person throughout my whole life. As an independent young man I had to struggle through life. I am a family holder that supports a large family. I have been blessed with a dearest wife and lovely seven children, the youngest of whom is 11 years old. I am a very active community member and serve on several charitable and educational committees and clubs. As a law enforcement officer for 30 years, I have been helping people and have saved many lives and souls in the line of duty.
For me to continue to be the same dedicated person, head of a family, community member, and law enforcement officer, I need a kidney transplant in order to stabilize my heath and kidney failure. Your help is most needed for the matter, please help me to find and locate the right donor.
If you would like to donate a Kidney to FAIZ (matching Blood Type: B+), please contact the HOD Society at or by calling |
Karen Needs a Kidney Actively involved in Phoenix Jewish community, ORT, Hadassah, Red Magen David, active supporters of Israel. Pharmaceutical misprescription caused a chemical to destroy my kidneys. My blood type makes it hard to locate a good donor. Please help. If you would like to donate a Kidney to Karen (matching Blood Type: O+), please contact the HOD Society at or by calling 646-599-3895. |
Terri Needs a Kidney Hi i have been a diabetic since i was 12 leading to my kidney damage and now failure i am in dire need for a kidney asap i really don’t know what to say except i am grasping out to anyone who can help me my heart goes out to everyone needing organs and on waiting lists my prayers are with you all thank you for reading this ……Terriann If you would like to donate a Kidney to Terri (matching Blood Type: 0-), please contact the HOD Society at or by calling |
Rachel Needs a Kidney |
Rachel Needs a Kidney Requesting this kidney for my Mother. She is an excellent person, mother of 2 and in desperate need of a kidney. If there is someone that can help, will be eternallly grateful. If you would like to donate a Kidney to Rachel (matching Blood Type: O), please contact the HOD Society at or by calling 646-599-3895. |
Malcolm Needs a Kidney I am a retired dental surgeon who lives an active life in between dialysis sessions. I have been on dialysis for over two years. I have also studied philosophy and am interested in writing. I have two sons and five grand children. I live with my wife in London UK. My younger son and grandchildren live abroad in the USA and Israel and it would be good to visit them freely without the need to arrange dialysis.
If you would like to donate a Kidney to Malcolm (matching Blood Type: 0), please contact the HOD Society at or by calling |
Tina Needs a Kidney |
Tina Needs a Kidney I am mother of 3 children Aaron,19, April, 25, And Ashley, 29. Ashley is married to Jace and they have 2 beautiful children Chloe 4,and Hunter about 2 months. I love them all so very much. I found out I have kidney failure about 4.5 years ago. I started dialaysis 4 years ago. I wish to live a life that can have fun and play with my grandchildren I have already missed out on so much. I am only 48 and such a young mother to be so sick all the time. I can see the loss in all their little eyes. Please pray for my answer. God bless all. Tina If you would like to donate a Kidney to Tina (matching Blood Type: O-), please contact the HOD Society at or by calling 212-213-5087. |
Max Needs a Kidney We are desperatly seeking a kidney for our father Max. His blood type is B Positive . A young man only 65, with 7 of us kids hoping for a kidney match. Our mother passed away 10 years ago and we are now fighting for our father’s life. With the youngest of us only 16 years old we need dad to find a match soon. He is on dialysis 7 nights a week from home for 10 hours, leaving him no time to enjoy life. Our father is strong, and full of energy. He wakes up each morning and still pushes himself to go to work and get through the days for the sake of his children. Please open your hearts for our family and help our father. If you would like to donate a Kidney to Max (matching Blood Type: B Pos), please contact the HOD Society at or by calling 212-213-5087. |
Avichai Needs a Kidney My name is Avichai and I am a 30 year Israeli. I have been, unfortunately, on dialysis for 26 years. Although I could barely leave my house I managed to graduate high school and today I am a sports journalist for Maariv daily newspaper. I love soccer and Middle Eastern music and I would love to keep on living. I have O Positive blood type but, unfortunately, I have 99% antibodies which means the chance of finding any kidney match for me is very very small. If you would be kind enough to be checked to see if you match for me I would appreciate it. Avichai If you would like to donate a Kidney to Avichai (matching Blood Type: O Pos), please contact the HOD Society at or by calling 212-213-5087. |
Yaakov Needs a Kidney Yaakov, aged 64 is currently on dialysis and is in need of a kidney. Yaakov is from Jerusalem, Israel. He has type A Positive Blood. If you would like to donate a Kidney to Yaakov (matching Blood Type: A Pos), please contact the HOD Society at or by calling 212-213-5087. |
Louie Needs a Kidney |
Louie Needs a Kidney Would someone please help me I am sick of waiting and waiting please I am Desparate Desparate If you would like to donate a Kidney to Louie, please contact the HOD Society at or by calling 212-213-5087. |
Ehud Needs a Kidney My name is Ehud. I am a single man aged 47 who lives in Jerusalem. I am a yeshiva student who learns Torah. To my distress I have been stricken with chronic kidney disease. For the past three and half years I have been receiving dialysis treatments and I am suffering terribly from this. In order to save my life I need an immediate kidney transplant because my health is deteriorating day to day. My only source of livelihood is the disability payments from ‘Bituach Leumi’ and it is very difficult to live from this. In addition I must care for my old sick mother in the home. I have no one to turn to for help including my own family. I am asking you with all my heart to help me and thereby save my live. My blood type is B Negative. If you would like to donate a Kidney to Ehud (matching Blood Type: B Neg), please contact the HOD Society at or by calling 212-213-5087. |
Meir Needs a Kidney My name is Meir and I am a 63-year-old dialysis patient for 5 years already. Prior to the dialysis, I was considered a strong, healthy man. I worked in a building. unfortunately, since dialysis, I am now extremely fragile and without strength. I am not allowed to drink water; only small sips. After dialysis, I return straight home, into bed. I have 5 children; 2 are married and 3 are living at home. I have no desire to talk to them or even laugh with them. It pains me that I can no longer do anything around the house. I used to be the person who fixed everything around the house; today, no longer. The entire household is under a great deal of stress right now because of me. My wife, who should live and be well, must now undertake both female and male roles around the house. At times, I curse myself and want to die. What am I living for? To be a burden on everyone; to have everyone suffer because of me? I am suffering a great deal. Please help me obtain a new kidney so I can live like everyone else and do mitzvot and chessed for Hakadosh Baruch Hu. Tizku L’Mitzvot, Meir P.S. My blood type is A Positive . If you would like to donate a Kidney to Meir (matching Blood Type: A Pos), please contact the HOD Society at or by calling 212-213-5087. |
Amar Needs a Kidney |
Amar Needs a Kidney hi,i need kidney…now i am in dialysis and my doc says i need to go through kidney transplant as soon as family consist of my dad my mom and brother ..unfortunately my father is not that supportive ..i am doing dialysis twise a week and it is very pain full…..please help mee..i also want to live If you would like to donate a Kidney to Amar (matching Blood Type: AB), please contact the HOD Society at or by calling 212-213-5087. |
Zolman Needs a Kidney |
Zolman Needs a Kidney I am a husband, father & grandfather. I am a graduate of Etz Chaim and Flatbush Yeshiva High School and both of my children graduated from Ramaz High School. I am a psychotherapist & psychoanalyst committed to helping my patients. My life has been committed to being there for others in my family and in my profession. It is difficult for me to ask for help but at this time, I am in urgent need of a kidney. I have been on dialysis for 2 years and am suffering with some debiloitating side effects of the dialysis. I am one of 10% of the population whose blood pressure has gone up with dialysis. My blood pressure has spiked to a high level and it has been difficult to control. I am, therefore, in urgent need of a transplant. I would be grateful for any asssistance in that regard. Thank you If you would like to donate a Kidney to Zolman (matching Blood Type: O), please contact Zolman |
Irwin Needs a Kidney |
Irwin Needs a Kidney I am a 74 year old man who is still working but plans to retire within the next few months. I am married and have two daughters and 5 granchildren. I am in need of a kidney and would be so happy to be able to spend as many years as God will give me with my children and granchildren. We are a closely knit family. I am not on dialysis yet but probably will be in the next two months. I am a cosmetic chemist and still have much to offer our society and plan to donate my time to helping others during my retirement. If you would like to donate a Kidney to Irwin (matching Blood Type: O-), please contact the HOD Society at or by calling 212-213-5087. |
Shiran Needs a Kidney My name is Shiran. I went to high school in Ashkelon and I am about to begin my national service working with children. I love working with children. Because I am very ill and I desperately need a kidney I am bedridden. Please help me. My blood type is A Positive. If you would like to donate a Kidney to Shiran (matching Blood Type: A Pos), please contact the HOD Society at or by calling 212-213-5087. |
Nissim Needs a Kidney I was born in Bolgaria. At age 3 we came to Israel. I lived for 25 years in a farm. I am married with two children of a 28 year-old boy and a 31 year-old girl. I worked for 26 years in the Israeli Military Industries. I am retired now. My main hobby is horses. My blood type is A Positive. Nissian If you would like to donate a Kidney to Nissim (matching Blood Type: A Pos), please contact the HOD Society at or by calling 212-213-5087. |
Gary Needs a Kidney Please help. My dad is dying of kidney failure. He’s 58 years old and over the past 10 years he has been held up at gun point which caused him to lose his business and as a result, he has had to move his family. Shortly after losing his business, he had to have vascular surgery, quadruple bypass surgery and carotid artery surgery. He has been on disability for the last 3+ years and thus, has been unable to provide for his family. He will have to go on dialysis very soon and his doctors said that he will not survive that long on it, given his prior medical conditions. My strong, amazing mother donated her kidney to my father a little over 2 years ago. The kidney has now failed. My brother was ready to donate his kidney to my father. 4 days before the surgery the doctors found a tumor on his kidney. The doctors will not allow me to donate my kidney because of low clearance. My dad needs all the help he can get. He is a thoughtful, amazing person that would do anything for anyone. My mother, brother and I want our dad to be around as long as he can. My dad’s insurance covers all of the medical expenses. We have no one else that can save my dad please help. We would all be forever grateful. I hope for the opportunity to discuss this further and at the very least be able to hear your voice and thank someone who would be so brave that is willing to do this mitzvah to help someone. My dad needs all the help he can get. Thank you for taking the time to read my dad’s profile Blood type is O Positive. If you would like to donate a Kidney to Gary (matching Blood Type: O Pos), please contact the HOD Society at or by calling 212-213-5087. |
Shlomo Needs a Kidney My dad was born in 1960 in Tel Aviv and was raised in Jaffa. He was the first son, with four brothers and sisters following. He served in the Israeli army for five years in the air force unit. He went into the women’s clothing business for the last 25 years. He got married in 1983 to Mercedes and they had two boys, my brother Hen and me, and one girl, Shani. Hen is 24 years old, I am 23 and Shani is 18. On my father’s side of the family, there is a history of kidney problems. My dad’s mother (my grandmother) had a successful kidney transplant five years ago. Now, however, in the last few months, my dad’s problem became worse. His creatinine is very high, around 4.5, and we’ve begun the search for a donor. My dads blood type is O. If there is anything else I can offer, let me know. Thanks Maor If you would like to donate a Kidney to Shlomo (matching Blood Type: O), please contact the HOD Society at or by calling 212-213-5087. |
Rachamim Needs a Kidney Rachamim Type B Positive My name is Rachamium. I am 46 years old and I live in Elad, Israel. I was born in Petah Tikvah in 1962. I went through the usual track of education from elementary school through high school. After that, at age 18, I served in the Israeli Army as a soldier in the Elite Command Unit. I participated in the Lebanon War in 1982, when I was 20 years old. After my service in the army, I learned in the Open University of Israel and graduated with a B.A. cum laude. For some time I worked as a teacher in mathematics. At a later stage in my life, I became ill on account of both of my kidneys. I have been on dialysis for about a year and a half now, and I cannot work. If you would like to donate a Kidney to Rachamim (matching Blood Type: B Pos), please contact the HOD Society at or by calling 212-213-5087. |
Mitchell Needs a Kidney |
Mitchell Needs a Kidney Hebrew Name: Michael If you would like to donate a Kidney to Mitchell (matching Blood Type: A+), please contact the HOD Society at or by calling 212-213-5087. |
Lawrence Needs a Kidney |
Lawrence Needs a Kidney If you would like to donate a Kidney to Lawrence (matching Blood Type: O), please contact the HOD Society at or by calling 212-213-5087. |
Demarcus Needs a Kidney If you would like to donate a Kidney to Demarcus, please contact the HOD Society at or by calling 212-213-5087. |
Bonnie Got a Kidney My name is Bonnie Morrissey and I was born at Brooklyn Jewish Hospital in 1950. I inherited polycystic kidney disease (PKD) from my mother. Both she and her only sibling died from the disease. My two sisters have also inherited PKD so that leaves no one in my family that can donate a kidney to me. I am praying for a pre-emptive living donor since the wait list for a cadaveric donor is very long and I am not a good candidate for dialysis. I hope you can help me!! BONNIE GOT A KIDNEY!! |
Linda Rubinstein Got a Kidney My name is Linda Hannah Rubinstein. I am 13 years old and my doctor says I need a new kidney. This is not an easy thing to find. There’s a long wait – but I’ve overcome a lot since I was little. My family is my Mom, my Dad, my sister Mollie, my dog, Mom-Mom and Pop-Pop and Grandma. I like it when we’re all together. I have a good family. We laugh and have a lot of fun. LINDA GOT A KIDNEY!!! |
Chaim Got a Kidney We are looking for a kidney for our husband/Dad/Saba Chaim, who lives in Toronto, Canada. He is a wonderful and inspiring father and grandfather. He has always been known for being active & full-of-life, and a generous giver of his time and tzeddakah to the Jewish community around the world.
Zev Got a Kidney Husband, Father of 3 Needs a kidney Blood type AB universal recipient My name is Dr. Zev . I’m on dialysis every night all night 7 days a week as both my kidneys have failed. ZEV GOT A KIDNEY!!! |
Cheryl Got a Kidney My name is Cheryl and my blood type is B. I desperately need a kidney. In spite of being on dialysis three times a week, I spend my free time . . .
Fred Got a Kidney Fred, a resident of Jamaica Estates for 16 years, a retired physician, lived and practiced in Nassau Country, Long Island. He is. . . .
Matthew Got a Kidney My name is Matthew and I am 21 years old. I have advanced kidney disease and …. MATHEW GOT A KIDNEY!!! |
Neal Got a Kidney My loving husband Neal is the father of 4 and one son-in law. He owns his own Wholesale Nursery business with 3 locations. He day travels to each but with a kidney function of 7% that is getting to be quite the challenge. He is showing all the horrible symptoms of end stage renal disease–fatigue, nausea, metallic taste and swelling. NEAL GOT A KIDNEY!!!
Enid Got a Kidney I’ve been on dialysis since March 2010, and my nephrologist feels I need a kidney transplant as soon as possible. I was born in Brooklyn, I have a master’s degree in Social Work and I worked as a social worker at Inglis House, a home for the handicapped. My husband and I, made aliya with our children in 1977 from Philadelphia. Since 1973, I was active for Soviet Jewry, fighting for their freedom and aliya to Israel. On a voluntary basis since 1994, I’ve been raising funds for former aliya activists, former Refuseniks and Prisoners of Zion from the former Soviet Union who are in desperate financial need. ENID GOT A KIDNEY!!! |
Ketty Got a Kidney My name is Ketty and I am 30 years old. I need a kidney and I am O blood type. In 1999, after my service in the Israeli army, I . . .
Yona Got a Kidney I’m a mother of 3 children, one of whom has mental retardation. I have a very nice family and 5 grandchildren, ages 1-7. Since my kidney disease, I am no longer able to help raise them as I did before. I enjoy my life, my family, children, grandchildren, friends and work, and I hope that, with a kidney transplant, I will be able to continue to do so, the same as I lived before my kidney disease.
Ronen Got a Kidney My name is Ronen, and I have been in on dialysis for 14 years. I have given up hope. If I wait any longer in Israel I will die. I have come to America a few months ago in the hope that I will receive a kidney. I need your help, any help, G-d’s help.
Asaf Got a Kidney We are writing to you in the hope that someone can help our 17 year-old son Asaf. He was diagnosed with . . .
Emily Got a Kidney My name is Emily and I am a 38 year-old Israeli, and mother of Noa (5 years of age). I have a Masters degree in . . . .
Martin Needs a Kidney My name is Martin, and I need a kidney…
Martin unfortunately passed away without getting a kidney. If you would like to donate a Kidney to Martin (matching Blood Type: B positive), please contact the HOD Society at or by calling 212-213-5087. |