Halachic Organ donor Society, 3926 W. Touhy Ave, Suite #365, Lincolnwood, IL, 60712-1028. Phone: 646-599-3895, Email: office@hods.org


Below you will find articles by rabbis, doctors and scholars about the halachic and medical issues surrounding brain-stem death and organ donation. Some articles are pro organ donation and some are con. We believe by showing all positions, we can allow the public to judge for themselves where they stand on these issues.

  1. Title: Address of John Paul II to the 18th International Congress of the Transplantation Society

    Author: Pope John Paul II
    Publication: Libreria Editrice Vaticana
    Year: 2000~~
    Download: English

    HOD Comments:


  2. Title: Correspondence on “The Diagnosis of Brain Death” (See preceding article)

    Author: Cranston, Truog, Broyde, et. al.
    Publication: New England Journal of Medicine
    Year: 2001
    Download: English

    HOD Comments:
    Note highlighted areas. Several doctors respond to the preceding article, “The Diagnosis of Brain Death,” which appeared in the New England Journal of Medicine in April, 2001.~~


  3. Title: The Diagnosis of Brain Death

    Author: Wijdicks, M.D., Eelco
    Publication: New England Journal of Medicine
    Year: 19-Apr-01
    Download: English

    HOD Comments:
    This review focuses on the how doctors determine brain death, the potential confusing factors, and discusses valid confirmatory tests. Brain-stem death implies total loss of function to the part of the brain responsible for spontaneous breathing, maintaining blood pressure, cough reflex, pupil dilation, and to some extent heart rate. When these reflexes do not work, a spontaneous breathing test (apnea test) is performed. Finally, confirmatory tests proving a lack of blood flow to the brain-stem and absence of brain electrical activity are performed. At this time, the patient’s family should be told about their loved one’s hopeless condition and options for organ donation discussed. A few important notes: 1) reflex testing on infants and children is more complicated because their reflexes may not be fully formed 2) even after a patient fails reflex tests, spontaneous movements have been documented; these are spinal movements and not an indication of brain function 3) patients must be ruled out for locked-in syndrome (an almost total paralysis of a conscious patient with partial control of eye movements), hypothermia, drug intoxication, and, in some severe cases, Guillain-Barre Syndrome (a rare paralysis starting at the feet and rising over a few days).~~


  4. Title: Neurological Determination of Death

    Author: Trillium Gift of Life Network
    Publication: www.giftoflife.on.ca
    Year: 2003
    Download: English

    HOD Comments:
    This is the protocol used in Ontario Canada by physicians to determine brain death.~~


  5. Title: Introducing Incentives in the Market for Live and Cadaveric Organ Donations

    Author: Becker, Gary S.; Elias, Julio Jorge
    Year: 2002~~
    Download: English

    HOD Comments:


  6. Title: Kidney Exchange

    Author: Roth, Alivin; Sonmez, Tayfun; Unver, Utku
    Publication: The Quarterly Journal of Economics
    Year: 2004, May~~
    Download: English

    HOD Comments:


  7. Title: Human Values and the Market: The Case of Life Insurance and Death in 19th Century America

    Author: Zelizer, Viviana
    Publication: The American Journal of Society, Vol. 84, No. 3
    Year: 1978
    Download: English

    HOD Comments:
    University of Chicago Press~~


  8. Title: The Case for Living Kidney Sales: Rationale, Objections, and Concerns

    Author: Matas, Arthur J.
    Publication: American Journal of Transplantation
    Year: 2004
    Download: English

    HOD Comments:
    Blackwell Munksgaard


  9. Title: Communications: Brain Death

    Author: Reichman, Dr. Edward & Dr. Joshua Kunin
    Publication: Tradition
    Year: 2005~~
    Download: English

    HOD Comments:


  10. Title: Don’t Pull the Plug on Brain Death Just Yet.

    Author: Reichman, Dr. Rabbi Eddie
    Publication: Tradition 2004, 28:4
    Download: English

    HOD Comments:
    Rabbinical Council of America~~


  11. Title: Brain Death: Revisiting the Rabbinic Opinions in Light of Current Medical Knowledge

    Author: Kunin, Dr. Joshua
    Publication: Tradition 2004, 28:4
    Download: English

    HOD Comments:
    Rabbinical Council of America~~


  12. Title: Determining Death and Comments on the Chief Rabbinate’s Ruling

    Author: Avraham, Dr Avraham
    Year: ~~
    Download: Hebrew

    HOD Comments:


  13. Title: Determing the Moment of Death: Historial, Medical and Halachic Positions

    Author: Steinberg, Rabbi Dr. Avraham
    Download: Hebrew

    HOD Comments:
    16 pages~~


  14. Title: Avel Rabbati Chap 3 Halacha 1

    Download: Hebrew

    HOD Comments:
    Laws of Gosses~~


  15. Title: Tzitz Eliezer Vol 25 Chap 25 Siman 4

    Author: Waldenberg, Rabbi Eliezer Yehuda
    Year: ~~
    Download: Hebrew

    HOD Comments: