Halachic Organ donor Society, 3926 W. Touhy Ave, Suite #365, Lincolnwood, IL, 60712-1028. Phone: 646-599-3895, Email: office@hods.org


Below you will find articles by rabbis, doctors and scholars about the halachic and medical issues surrounding brain-stem death and organ donation. Some articles are pro organ donation and some are con. We believe by showing all positions, we can allow the public to judge for themselves where they stand on these issues.

  1. Title: Teshuvah of R. Yosef Meshash regarding cornea transplants

    Author: Meshash, R. Yosef
    Publication: Mayyim Kedoshim
    Year: ~~
    Download: English Hebrew

    HOD Comments:


  2. Title: Brain Death in Children (Editorial)

    Author: Wijdicks, Eelco F. M., MD, PhD; Smith, Wade S, MD, PhD
    Publication: American Neurological Association
    Year: 2012~~
    Download: English

    HOD Comments:


  3. Title: Really Dead, The Israeli Brain-Death Controversy, 1967-1986

    Author: Naftali Moses
    Publication: Really Dead (Book)
    Year: 2011~~
    Download: English

    HOD Comments:


  4. Title: “Lamut Kehalacha” – To die according to Halacha

    Author: Vered Kelner
    Publication: Globe
    Year: 2012~~
    Download: Hebrew

    HOD Comments:


  5. Title: Organ Donation

    Author: Rabbi Moshe Edelmann
    Publication: Vows in Halachic Literature & Responsa
    Year: 5766
    Download: Hebrew

    HOD Comments:


  6. Title: Bioethics of the Refusal of blood by Jehovah’s Witnesses

    Author: Muramoto, Osamu
    Publication: Journal of Medical Ethics
    Year: 1998
    Download: English

    HOD Comments:
    Note correction on last page of article.~~


  7. Title: The Question of the Kidneys Counsel

    Author: Slifkin, Rabbi Natan
    Publication: RationalistJudaism.com
    Year: 2010~~
    Download: English

    HOD Comments:


  8. Title: Refrigeration, Resuscitation, and the Resurection

    Author: Rosenfeld, Rabbi Azriel
    Publication: Tradition – A Journal of Orthodox Thought
    Year: ~~
    Download: English

    HOD Comments: