Halachic Organ donor Society, 3926 W. Touhy Ave, Suite #365, Lincolnwood, IL, 60712-1028. Phone: 646-599-3895, Email: office@hods.org


Below you will find articles by rabbis, doctors and scholars about the halachic and medical issues surrounding brain-stem death and organ donation. Some articles are pro organ donation and some are con. We believe by showing all positions, we can allow the public to judge for themselves where they stand on these issues.

  1. Title: Accommodating Religious Objections To Brain Death: Legal Considerations
    Author: Zwiebel, Esq., Chaim Dovid
    Publication: Journal of Halacha and Contemporary Society - Number XVII
    Year: 1989, Spring / Pesach 5749
    Download: English  
    HOD Comment:


  2. Title: Determining Death
    Author: Shachter, Rabbi Herschel
    Publication: Journal of Halacha and Contemporary Society - Number XVII
    Year: 1989, Spring / Pesach 5749
    Download: English  
    HOD Comment:


  3. Title: Ethical Aspects of Organ Transplantation
    Author: Glick, Prof. Shimon
    Publication: The Proceedings of the First International Colloquium - Medicine, Ethics, & Jewish Law
    Year: 1993, July
    Download: English  
    HOD Comment:


  4. Title: Medical Responsa: Withholding Treatment from Terminal Patients
    Author: Feinstein, Rav Moshe
    Publication: Cross Roads: Halacha and the Modern World
    Year: 1987 / 5747
    Download: English  
    HOD Comment:


  5. Title: Euthanasia
    Author: Bleich, Rabbi J. David
    Publication: Judaism and Healing
    Year: 2002
    Download: English  
    HOD Comment:


  6. Title: Done With Brain Death
    Author: Berman, Robby
    Publication: Conversations: The Journal of the Institute for Jewish Ideas and Ideals - Issue 2
    Year: 2008, Autumn / 5769
    Download: English  
    HOD Comment:


  7. Title: Pig Organs For Transplantation: A Jewish View
    Author: Rosner, M.D., Fred
    Publication: Medicine and Jewish Law - Volume III
    Year: 2005
    Download: English  
    HOD Comment:


  8. Title: Conceptual Issues in the Definition of Death: A Guide to Public Policy
    Author: Winkler, Ph.D., Daniel I.
    Publication: Medicine and Jewish Law - Volume III
    Year: 2005
    Download: English  
    HOD Comment:


  9. Title: Living Donor Organ Transplants
    Author: Flaum, Rabbi Tzvi
    Publication: Medicine and Jewish Law - Volume III
    Year: 2005
    Download: English  
    HOD Comment:


  10. Title: The Legal and Halachic Ramifications of Brain Death
    Author: Resnicoff, Prof. Steven H.
    Publication: Medicine and Jewish Law - Volume III
    Year: 2005
    Download: English  
    HOD Comment:


  11. Title: Definition of Death in Judaism
    Author: Rosner, M.D., Dr. Fred and Tendler, Rabbi Dr. Moshe David
    Publication: Journal of Halacha and Contemporary Society - Number XVII
    Year: 1989, Spring / Pesach 5749
    Download: English  
    HOD Comment:


  12. Title: The Impact of the Israeli Transplantation Law on the Socio-Demographic Profile of Living Kidney Donors
    Author: Boas, H.; Mor, E.; Michowitz, R.; Rozen-Zvi, B.; and Rahamimov, R.
    Publication: American Journal of Transplantation
    Year: 2015
    Download: English  
    HOD Comment:


  13. Title: A Nuanced Ethic for Live Kidney Donations
    Author: Wolowelsky, Joel B. and Richard V. Grazi
    Publication: Polish Annals of Medicine
    Year: 2014
    Download: English  
    HOD Comment:


  14. Title: Recent Statements on Jewish Medical Ethics
    Author: Jakobovits, Immanuel
    Publication: Proceedings of the Associations of Orthodox Jewish Scientists - Volume 3-4
    Year: 1976 / 5736
    Download: English  
    HOD Comment:


  15. Title: Organ Donation
    Author: Rabbi Anusi, Razon
    Publication: Techumin 32
    Year: 2011 / 5772
    Download:   Hebrew
    HOD Comment: