Halachic Organ donor Society, 3926 W. Touhy Ave, Suite #365, Lincolnwood, IL, 60712-1028. Phone: 646-599-3895, Email: office@hods.org


Below you will find articles by rabbis, doctors and scholars about the halachic and medical issues surrounding brain-stem death and organ donation. Some articles are pro organ donation and some are con. We believe by showing all positions, we can allow the public to judge for themselves where they stand on these issues.

  1. Title: Rabbi Moshe Feinstein on the Treatment of the Terminally Ill.
    Author: Feinstein, Rabbi Moshe as per ?
    Publication: The 2nd International Colloquium of Medicine, Ethics and Halacha
    Year: 1996
    Download: English
    HOD Comment:


  2. Title: Letter from R. Auerbach on Gosses
    Author: Auerbach, Rabbi Shlomo Zalman
    Publication: Jewish Medical Ethics, Vol. II, No. 2
    Year: May 1995
    Download: English
    HOD Comment:


  3. Title: Letter from R. Feinstein on Brain-stem Death Legislation
    Author: Feinstein, Rabbi Moshe
    Publication: Letter to Assemblyman Miller
    Download: English
    HOD Comment:


  4. Title: Opinion of Rabbi Moshe Feinstein
    Author: Halperin, Rabbi Mordechai; Rappaport, Rabbi Shabtai, Levenstien, Rabbi Yisrael
    Publication: ASSIA Book, Vol. 7, page 137-146
    Year: 1993
    Download:   Hebrew
    HOD Comment:


  5. Title: Monetary Compensation for Donating Kidneys
    Author: Grazi MD, Richard; Wolowelsky PhD, Joel
    Publication: IMAJ
    Year: 2004
    Download: English
    HOD Comment:

    Arguments why Jewish law supports the legalization of purchasing and selling kidneys.


  6. Title: Rabbi Shlomo Zalman Auerbach and Rabbi Shlomo Elyashiv on Brain-Stem Death
    Author: Auerbach, Rav Shlomo Zalman; Elyashiv, Rav Shlomo
    Publication: Yated Ne’eman
    Year: 1991
    Download: English   Hebrew
    HOD Comment:

    It seems this ruling was published twice, a year apart, with slight – yet important – changes. (The original ruling is attached as English document and the latter one as Hebrew document.) It has been said that the second ruling was issued due to the results of the sheep experiment. Rabbi Dr. Avraham Steinberg explains the difference of opinions between Rav Auerbach and Rav Elyashiv even though they jointly published this ruling, “While Rav Auerbach agreed with R. Eliashiv that at the time one can’t obtain organs from a brain-dead person, their reasoning was different. According to Rav Eliashiv the brain-stem dead person is alive because his heart is still pumping, while according to Rav Auerbach the reason was that such a person is “safek met safek gosses” (it is unknown if the person is dead or in the process of dying). This is a significant difference since in that if a validated test can be done that will assure the total destruction of the brain and on the other hand will not interfere with laws of gosses, then according to Rav Auerbach organs can be taken even if the heart is still functioning. My summary (ASSIA #53-54, p.13) of Rav Auerbach’s opinion was very carefully reviewed by him before publication, and he subsequently conveyed to Rabbi Mordechai Halperin that of all the documentation concerning his opinion it is this summary that most accurately describes his position in totality.”


  7. Title: A Matter of Life and Death — Revisited
    Author: Unknown
    Publication: Jewish Observer, The
    Year: 1991, October
    Download: English  
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  8. Title: A Matter of Life and Death
    Author: Zwiebel, Chaim Dovid
    Publication: Jewish Observer, The
    Year: 1991, Summer
    Download: English  
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  9. Title: RCA Health Care Proxy, The
    Author: Angel, Rabbi Marc D.
    Publication: Jewish Action
    Year: 1992, Spring 5752
    Download: English  
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  10. Title: Halakhic Death Means Brain Death
    Author: Tendler, Rabbi Moshe David
    Publication: Jewish Review
    Year: 1990, January-February
    Download: English  
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  11. Title: Rav Moshe Sternbuch’s Position
    Author: Steinberg, Rabbi Dr. Avraham and Rabbi Moshe Peleg
    Publication: ASSIA
    Year: 2010
    Download:   Hebrew
    HOD Comment:

    Rabbi Moshe Sternbuch stated that he accepts brain-stem death as halachic death to many people (see article) in private and also in public, such as at a Yarchei Kallah event, in the presence of Rabbi Yaakov Weiner. That was at the Eleventh Annual Jerusalem Yarchei Kallah event: Medicine and Halacha, at Boys Town, in Bayit Vegan, Jerusalem, Israel, held between August 12 – 18, 2009. During the session entitled: “Question and Answer Session (Rav Moshe Sternbuch, Rav Yaakov Weiner)


  12. Title: Rav Moshe Feinstein on Heart Transplants
    Author: Feinstein, Rav Moshe
    Publication: Igrot Moshe – Choshen Mishpat: Siman 72
    Year: 1978
    Download: English  
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  13. Title: Brain Death I: A Status Report of Medical and Ethical Considerations
    Author: Veith, Frank MD; Jack Fein MD; Moses Tendler PhD; Robert Veatch Phd; Marc Kleinman JD, LLM; George Kalkines JD
    Publication: The Journal of the American Medical Association
    Year: October 10, 1977
    Download: English  
    HOD Comment:
    Arguing that brain death is a superior indicator of death, this team of rabbis, doctors, and ethicists published their work more than 30 years ago. Visualizing lack of blood flow to the brain and lack of brain activity over a short period of time, allows doctors to determine unequivocally that a patient has died even if they are being supported by mechanical means. The second section provides philosophical arguments from several religious traditions for the recognition of brain death as a legitimate indicator of death. Of particular note are Rav Moshe Feinstein’s words, “there is no religious imperative to continue to use a respirator to inflate and deflate the lungs and thus maintain the cellular viability of other organs in an otherwise dead patient.” These arguments are presented first and foremost for their own sake though the authors acknowledge that they have important bearing on the decisions to allow organ donation.


  14. Title: Organ Sales Needn’t Be Exploitative (But It Matters If They Are)
    Author: Lawlor, Rob
    Publication: Bioethics
    Year: 2011
    Download: English  
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  15. Title: Brain Death Controversy in Jewish Law, The
    Author: Breitowitz, Rabbi Yitzchak
    Publication: Jewish Action
    Year: 1992; Spring 5752
    Download: English  
    HOD Comment:

    A clear overview and input from R. Tendler.