Halachic Organ donor Society, 3926 W. Touhy Ave, Suite #365, Lincolnwood, IL, 60712-1028. Phone: 646-599-3895, Email: office@hods.org


Below you will find articles by rabbis, doctors and scholars about the halachic and medical issues surrounding brain-stem death and organ donation. Some articles are pro organ donation and some are con. We believe by showing all positions, we can allow the public to judge for themselves where they stand on these issues.

  1. Title: An Overview of Organ Transplantation
    Author: Durst, Prof. Aryeh
    Publication: ASSIA Journal of Jewish Medical Ethics and Halacha;Vol. III, No. 1
    Year: 1997, January
    Download: English
    HOD Comment:


  2. Title: Halachic Definition of Death in Light of Medical History, The
    Author: Reichman, Dr. Edward
    Publication: Torah U-Madda Journal, The
    Year: 1993
    Download: English  
    HOD Comment:


  3. Title: Transplantation
    Author: Steinberg, Prof. Avraham
    Publication: Encyclopedia of Jewish Medical Ethics
    Download: English  
    HOD Comment:

    Translated by Dr. Fred Rosner


  4. Title: Determining Death and Delayal of Burial
    Author: Waldenberg, Rabbi Eliezer Yehuda
    Publication: Reponsum Tzitz Eliezer 9:46
    Year: Undated (but before 1974)
    Download:   Hebrew
    HOD Comment:

    Click here to see the summary of this article


  5. Title: Living Will: Agudath Israel of America (Agudah)

    Please do not print this article and use it as a living will. This document is here for research and historical purposes only. The Agudath asks you to please call them to obtain the latest version at the Agudath Israel of America (Agudah) call 212-797-9000.

    Click here to see the summary of this article.


  6. Title: Chief Rabbinate of Israel: Ruling on Organ Donation
    Author: Chief Rabbinate of Israel, Halachic Committee
    Year: 1986
    Download: English     Hebrew
    HOD Comment:


  7. Title: Living Will (Health Care Proxy): Rabbinical Council of America (RCA)
    Author: Bioethics Committee of the RCA
    Year: 1991
    Download: English
    HOD Comment:


  8. Title: The Waiting Game: The Struggle to Find Organ Donors with the Less then Generous Public
    Author: Satel, Dr. Sally
    Publication: In Character
    Download: English  
    HOD Comment:

    A personal plea to legalize the purchasing of organs.


  9. Title: Rav Moshe Feinstein’s Postion on Brain-stem Death Clarified
    Author: Rappaport, Rabbi Shabtai
    Publication: ASSIA Book, Vol. 7, page 148(5)-148(7)
    Year: 1993
    Download: English     Hebrew
    HOD Comment:

    Letter from Rabbi Shabtai Rappaport to Rabbi Mordechai Halperin expounding Rav Moshe Feinstein’s Position. Rabbi Shabtai Rappaport was Rav Moshe Feinstein’s amanuensis for the last two volumes of Iggrot Moshe.


  10. Title: Opinion of Rav Moshe Feinstein
    Author: Feinstein, Rabbi Dovid
    Publication: ASSIA Book, Vol. 7, page 147
    Download: English     Hebrew
    HOD Comment:
    Rabbi Dovid Feinstein testifies that his father’s position was a person is halachicly dead if s/he can not breathe on his/her own and its irreversable – even if the heart is still beating.



  11. Title: Moment of Death
    Author: Feinstein, Rabbi Moshe; Auerbach, Rabbi Shlomo Zalman
    Publication: Jewish Medical Ethics, Vol II No. 2
    Year: 1995
    Download: English  
    HOD Comment:


  12. Title: Letter to Dr. Elliot Bondi by Rabbi Moshe Feinstein
    Author: Feinstein, R. Moshe
    Publication: ASSIA Book, Vol. 7, page 148 -148(a)
    Year: 1993
    Download: English     Hebrew
    HOD Comment:

    This letter is from Rav Moshe Feinstein addressed to Dr. Elliot Bondi, reaffirming that brain death is death according to Halacha. The letter was dictated to Rabbi Mordechai Tendler in Yiddish by Rabbi Moshe Feinstein, as were all of his correspondence in the latter days of his life. Rabbi Mordechai Tendler translated the Yiddish into Hebrew and Rabbi Yitzchak Zundel Swiatycki typed the letter in Hebrew. Rav Moshe Feinstein reviewed the typed letter and after affirming that it accurately reflected his position, he signed it and stamped it. [This photocopy was taken ASSIA magazine. At the bottom, there is an editorial note that comingles the names of Rabbi Mordechai Tendler with Rabbi Yitzchak Zundel Swiatycki, referring to them as Rabbi Mordechai Swiatycki.]


  13. Title: Rav Moshe Feinstein’s Position on Death and Organ Donation.pdf
    Author: Tendler, Rabbi Moshe
    Publication: -
    Year: -
    Download: English
    HOD Comment:


  14. Title: Establishing Death, Signs of Death, Heart Transplants
    Author: Feinstein, Rabbi Moshe
    Publication: Igrot Moshe Yoreh Deah, Vol. III, 132
    Year: Over Many Years
    Download: English     Hebrew
    HOD Comment:


  15. Title: Determining Death – A Review of Positions
    Author: Steinberg, Rabbi Dr. Avraham
    Publication: ASSIA
    Year: 1994
    Download:   Hebrew
    HOD Comment:

    According to Rabbi Doctor Avraham Steinberg, Rav Shlomo Zalman Auerbach approved of each word in this article that Rabbi Steinberg wrote describing Rabbi Auerbach’s position.