Halachic Organ donor Society, 3926 W. Touhy Ave, Suite #365, Lincolnwood, IL, 60712-1028. Phone: 646-599-3895, Email: office@hods.org


Below you will find articles by rabbis, doctors and scholars about the halachic and medical issues surrounding brain-stem death and organ donation. Some articles are pro organ donation and some are con. We believe by showing all positions, we can allow the public to judge for themselves where they stand on these issues.

  1. Title: Responsum – Minchat Yitzchak

    Author: Minchat Yitzchak Vol 5 Siman 8
    Publication: Responsum Minchat Yitzchak
    Year: ~~
    Download: Hebrew

    HOD Comments:


  2. Title: Heart Transplants

    Author: Minchat Yitzchak Vol 5 Siman 7
    Publication: Reponsum Minchat Yitzchak
    Year: ~~
    Download: Hebrew

    HOD Comments:


  3. Title: Melachim Chapter 2, Verses 19-37

    Author: Prophets (Bible)
    Publication: Kings II Chapt 4 Verse 19 to 37
    Year: ~~
    Download: Hebrew

    HOD Comments:


  4. Title: Melachim I, Perek 17, Pesukim 17-24

    Publication: Kings 1 Chapter 17 Verse 17 to 24
    Year: ~~
    Download: Hebrew

    HOD Comments:


  5. Title: Mishna Laws of Murders 9 9

    Author: Kesef Mishna Laws of Murders 9 9
    Year: ~~
    Download: Hebrew

    HOD Comments:


  6. Title: Textual Variation

    Author: Meiri
    Download: Hebrew

    HOD Comments:
    We see in this text of the Mishna that the Meiri does not quote the heart at all.~~


  7. Title: Divrei Chaim

    Publication: Responsum Even Haezer Vol II Listing 64
    Year: ~~
    Download: Hebrew

    HOD Comments:


  8. Title: Teshuvot Chatam Sofer 338

    Author: Chatam Sofer, otherwise known as Rav Moshe Schreiber
    Year: Circa 1840
    Download: Hebrew

    HOD Comments:
    Rav Moshe Schreiber, known as the Chatam Sofer, was born in 1763 in Frankfurt, Germany and died in Pressburg in 1840. While the Neo-Orthodox sought to engage the maskilim (enlighteners) and to directly combat them, the Chatam Sofer adopted the view of “Chadash assur min HaTorah” – all that is novel in religious practice is forbidden by the Torah. Since this response (# 338) states that irreversible cessation of heart beat is one sign of death, those who do not accept BSD as halachic death quote this response as proof that a beating heart, at least according to the Chatam Sofer, is a sign of life and thus a person who is BSD and on a respirator is not dead according to halacha. Those that accept BSD as halachic death point out that a) in the very same response he states that cessation of respiration is the classical definition of death according to Jewish law and to understand this apparent contradiction they point out b) this teshuva was written as a challenge and response to the secular law instituted by the Duke of Mecklenberg, Germany, in 1772 that one must wait 3 days before burying a corpse in order to ensure the person is truly dead. According to this reading, the Chatam Sofer is simply stating the natural order of death in those days (before the invention of a respirator) is unconsciousness, irreversible cessation of heart beat, and then irreversible cessation of respiration. He states Jewish law only requires irreversible cessation of respiration as the determinant of death, but if the secular authorities want to wait even longer they can wait until cessation of heart beat and then bury the person without waiting 3 days.~~


  9. Title: Chacham Tzvi Responsa 77

    Author: Chacham Tzvi
    Year: Circa 1700
    Download: English Hebrew

    HOD Comments:
    Rav Tzvi Hirsch ben Yaakov Ashkenazi, also known as the Chacham Tzvi, was born in 1660 and died in 1718(His son was Rav Yaakov Emden). This response states that a beating heart is a requirement for life. But clearly the Chacham Tzvi was not talking about a case of brain death where the person (or chicken as in this case) can’t breathe. Those who claim that brain-stem death is not halachic death, quote this responsa to support their position because it put emphasis on the heart. But those who accept BSD as halachic death point out that while the Chacham Tzvi writes one needs a beating heart to live, and it necessary for life, he does not write that a beating heart alone is sufficient in and of itself. When he writes the “soul is in the heart” it is rhetorical flourish to indicate that without a beating heart a person or animal can’t live. But again, that is not say it is sufficient for human life. A analogy would be that an airplane needs an engine to fly and to be called an airplane. But that does not mean if you have a working engine that you have an airplane.~~


  10. Title: Mishnayot Ohalot 1:6

    Author: Rabbi Yehuda HaNasi was the Editor
    Publication: Mishnayot
    Year: Circa 200
    Download: Hebrew

    HOD Comments:
    Mishna states that is a living organism is decapitated, even though limbs are moving it is dead according to Halacha.~~


  11. Title: Organ Transplantation and the Definition of the Moment of Death

    Author: Steinberg, Rabbi Dr. Avraham
    Publication: www.medicalethics.org.il
    Year: ~~
    Download: English

    HOD Comments:


  12. Title: Organ Donation

    Author: Dick, Rabbi Yehuda
    Publication: ASSIA 9, pg 367-377
    Year: 2004~~
    Download: Hebrew

    HOD Comments:


  13. Title: Opinion of Rav Shlomo Zalman Auerbach on Cadavaric Donation

    Author: Avraham, Dr Avraham
    Publication: ASSIA 9, 383-385
    Year: 2004~~
    Download: Hebrew

    HOD Comments:


  14. Title: Opinion of Rabbi Moshe Feinstein

    Author: Levenstein, Dr.Yisrael
    Publication: ASSIA 7, pg 145-146
    Year: 1993~~
    Download: Hebrew

    HOD Comments:


  15. Title: Cardiac Surgery According to Halacha

    Author: Waldenberg, Rabbi Eliezer Yehuda
    Publication: ASSIA 6, pg 20-26
    Year: 1989~~
    Download: Hebrew

    HOD Comments: