Halachic Organ donor Society, 3926 W. Touhy Ave, Suite #365, Lincolnwood, IL, 60712-1028. Phone: 646-599-3895, Email: office@hods.org


Below you will find articles by rabbis, doctors and scholars about the halachic and medical issues surrounding brain-stem death and organ donation. Some articles are pro organ donation and some are con. We believe by showing all positions, we can allow the public to judge for themselves where they stand on these issues.

  1. Title: Principles in Cardiac Surgery

    Author: Applebaum, Prof Azai
    Publication: ASSIA 6, pg 15-19
    Year: 1989~~
    Download: Hebrew

    HOD Comments:


  2. Title: The Halachic Moment of Death

    Author: Kahana Shapiro, Rav Avraham
    Publication: Moment of Death
    Year: 2006
    Download: Hebrew

    HOD Comments:
    The Schlesinger Institute


  3. Title: Flesh Trade: Weighing the Repugnance Factor

    Author: Dubner, Stephen and Steven Levitt
    Publication: New York Times Magazine
    Year: 09-Jul-06
    Download: English

    HOD Comments:
    In this article, economists enter the discussion of methods to increase potential organs, particularly kidneys (more desirable from a living donor). Levitt and Dubner, authors of the well-known book “Freakonomics,” argue that the ‘repugnance factor’ many associate with monetary incentives for living donors would recede over time. Citing the dramatic change in social attitude toward life insurance and charging interest amidst the sobering facts that more than 3500 people die a year waiting for a kidney. The article closes with a description of the New England Program for Kidney Exchange (NEPKE), an innovative collaborative effort that pairs those in need of a kidney and their loved one (proven not to match the recipient) with other similar couples for simultaneous donation. This idea of incentive alignment eliminates the ‘repugnance factor’ and the need for monetary incentives, which are morally questionable and could put undue pressure on the indigent.~~


  4. Title: More Regarding Rabbi Moshe Feinstein’s Opinion

    Author: Lewinstein, Dr. Israel
    Publication: Moment of Death
    Year: 2006
    Download: Hebrew

    HOD Comments:
    The Schlesinger Institute


  5. Title: The Medical Basis for Determining Brain Stem Death

    Author: Sommer, Professor Haim
    Publication: ASSIA 7, pg 129-136
    Year: 1993~~
    Download: Hebrew

    HOD Comments:


  6. Title: Lethal Legislation

    Author: Berman, Robert
    Publication: Harvard Review Journal
    Year: 2005
    Download: English Hebrew

    HOD Comments:
    Harvard University


  7. Title: Halachic Insights into Brain-Death

    Author: Rabbi Yaakov Weiner
    Publication: Ye Shall Surely Heal
    Year: 1995
    Download: English

    HOD Comments:
    Jerusalem Center for Research


  8. Title: Right to Live, The

    Author: Fishkoff, Sue
    Publication: Jerusalem Post, The
    Year: 1996 January 19~~
    Download: English

    HOD Comments:


  9. Title: Postmortem- Did Soroka Doctors Do the Right Thing?

    Author: Seigel-Itzkovitch, Judy
    Publication: Jerusalem Post, The
    Year: 1993, Friday June 25~~
    Download: English

    HOD Comments:


  10. Title: Thoughts on the Jewish Perspective Regarding Organ Transplantation

    Author: Mayer RNC EdD, Susan L
    Publication: Journal of Transplant Coordination
    Year: 1997
    Download: English

    HOD Comments:
    Reprint Requests Phone 800-899-1712 (ext 532), email ivcReprint@aol.com~~


  11. Title: Personal Story – Chaya Gross

    Author: Gross, Chaya
    Publication: ASSIA Book, Vol. 7, pages 231-238
    Year: 1993 (Incident occurred in 1986)~~
    Download: Hebrew

    HOD Comments:


  12. Title: Lack of Authority

    Author: Shafran, R. Yigal
    Publication: The 2nd International Conference on Medicine, Ethics and Halacha
    Year: 1996~~
    Download: English

    HOD Comments:


  13. Title: Gosses

    Author: Goldberg, Rabbi Zalman Nechemia
    Publication: The First International Colloquium on Medicine, Ethics, & Halacha
    Year: 1993
    Download: Hebrew

    HOD Comments:
    Click here to see the summary of this article.~~


  14. Title: Jewish Perspectives on Death and Dying

    Author: Rosner, Dr./Rabbi Fred
    Publication: ASSIA Journal of Jewish Medical Ethics, Vol.II, No. 1
    Year: 1991, January~~
    Download: English

    HOD Comments:


  15. Title: Opinion of the Netziv from Velozhin on Brain-stem Death

    Author: Weiner, Rabbi Yaacov
    Publication: ASSIA Book, Vol. 7, page 166
    Year: 1993
    Download: Hebrew

    HOD Comments:
    Click here to see the summary of this article.~~